Welcome to our web site
Located in rural South Lanarkshire, we are a small village church seeking to serve our community by sharing the good news of Jesus and providing a welcoming venue for church and community activities
“Grace and peace to you from God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ”
1 Corinthians 1:3(NIV)
“Grace and peace to you from God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ”
1 Corinthians 1:3(NIV)
Community Church
****** Sunday 5 January at 7.00pm: Prayer and Praise - POSTPONED TO SUNDAY 12 JANUARY *****
The Wee Church Café (and the Very Wee Sweetie Shop) will re-open on Thursday 9 January from 2.00pm – 5.00pm for cakes & confectionary and hot & cold beverages.
Sunday 19 January at 7.00pm: Table Talk - conversations around “Faith Matters"
Friday 24 January: Open House at Moorview, Tarbrax from 7.30pm. Coffee, chat and time to pray - pop in for as long or as short a time as suits.
Other Groups at ACC:
Caring Knitters and Craft Group: Sessions will re-commence on Tuesday 14 January
Contact - June Bulloch 01501 785074
For other groups and events at ACC: contact Campbell or Linda Fisher on 07907 696404
Everyone welcome to all the above!
Community Church
****** Sunday 5 January at 7.00pm: Prayer and Praise - POSTPONED TO SUNDAY 12 JANUARY *****
The Wee Church Café (and the Very Wee Sweetie Shop) will re-open on Thursday 9 January from 2.00pm – 5.00pm for cakes & confectionary and hot & cold beverages.
Sunday 19 January at 7.00pm: Table Talk - conversations around “Faith Matters"
Friday 24 January: Open House at Moorview, Tarbrax from 7.30pm. Coffee, chat and time to pray - pop in for as long or as short a time as suits.
Other Groups at ACC:
Caring Knitters and Craft Group: Sessions will re-commence on Tuesday 14 January
Contact - June Bulloch 01501 785074
For other groups and events at ACC: contact Campbell or Linda Fisher on 07907 696404
Everyone welcome to all the above!