Auchengray and District Community Church
Next Service - 3 March, Preparing for Easter
Past Services
Sunday 4 February at 7.00pm: Evening praise, marking 10 years since Auchengray Church Centre Trust took ownership of Auchengray Church Centre.
Sunday 7 January at 7.00pm: New Year Praise
Sunday 3 December at 7.00pm: First Sunday in Advent, Christmas Carols and mince pies!
Sunday 5 November at 7.00pm: Expressing our solidarity with and praying for those caught up in conflict and other disasters.
Sunday 1 October at 7.00pm - Harvest Thanksgiving
Sunday 17 September at 7.00pm - Community Church Review with Communion
Sunday 3 September at 7.00pm - Evening Praise
Sunday 20 August at 7.00pm - New School term dedication
Sunday 6 August at 7.00pm - Fellowship Gathering
Sunday 1 July at 7.00pm - Fellowship Gathering
Sunday 4 June at 7.00pm - Evening Praise
Sunday 7 May at 7.00pm - Evening Praise
Sunday 2 April at 7.00pm - Palm Sunday
Sunday 5 March at 7.00pm - Evening Praise
Sunday 5 February at 7.00pm - Evening Praise Praise
Sunday 8 January 2023 at 7.00pm - New Year Praise
24 December at 7.00pm: Carols by Candle light
Sunday 4 December at 7.00pm: The ADVENTure starts here
Sunday 6 November at 7.00pm: Remembrance and Reflection
Sunday 2 October at 7.00pm: Harvest Thanksgiving Service
Sunday 4 September at 7.00pm: Evening Praise - Welcome Back!
Sunday 21 August at 4.00pm - God's Golden Rules - All Age Service
Sunday 7 August at 7.00pm: Fellowship Gathering
Sunday 3 July at 7.00pm: Fellowship Gathering
Sunday 5 June at 7.00pm: Pentecost Praise
Sunday 1 May at 7.00pm: Evening Praise
Sunday 3 April at 7.00pm: Easter Praise
Sunday 6 March at 7.00pm: Evening Praise
Sunday 6 February at 7.00pm: Evening Praise
Sunday 9 January 2022 at 7.00pm: This spinning world
Sunday 5 December at 6.30pm: Community Carols and Nativity
Sunday 7 November at 7.00pm: Light a Candle in the Darkness.
Sunday 3 October at 7.00pm: Harvest Thanksgiving Service.
Sunday 5 September: Evening Praise
Sunday 22 August 2021: Sunny days and rainy days - Jesus the same, always!
A Family Service to mark the start of the new school year with guests Valerie Sim (SU Scotland) and Calum Keys (2cytrust)
On 17 March 2020 the premises closed temporarily due to covid19
Sunday 1 March 2020: John 17 - "Jesus' prayer"
Sunday 2 February: Acts 27 and 28 - "the road marked out for me"
Sunday 5 January 2020: 2 Corinthians 5:14-21 - "Reconciliation"
Sunday 6 December: Community Carol Service in Auchengray Primary School with Hamilton Salvation Army Band
Sunday 3 November: Johnny Fisher, Health Communication Resources - "Responding to troubled times"
Sunday 6 October: Matthew 9:35-38 - Harvest Thanksgiving
Sunday 1 September: Luke 15:11-32 - Welcome Back!
Sunday 2 June: Evening Praise at 7.00pm – Chris McDermott, Psalm 92:12-15
Sunday 5 May: Evening Praise at 7.00pm – Jen Robertson, Scottish Bible Society, from "Dear Theo" - Luke 15
Sunday 31 March: Evening Praise at 7.00pm – preparing for Easter. Please note there is no service on 7 April.
Sunday 3 March at 7.00pm James Fraser - Release International - Daniel 6
Sunday 3 February at 7.00pm: David Hill spoke about what is happening across Scotland with trypraying
Sunday 6 January 2019 at 7.00pm - Steve Hunter - Esther 4 "for such a time as this"
Sunday 2 December at 7.00pm: Community Carols with the Hamilton Salvation Army Band
Sunday 4 November at 7.00pm: Rev Elizabeth Clelland, Chaplain of Braehead House - “the search for peace”
Sunday 7 October at 7.00pm: Harvest Thanksgiving at 7.00pm. Gifts of non-perishable food were taken to the “Loaves and Fishes” project.
Sunday 2 September: Evening Praise at 7.00pm based on SU Back to School with God material.
Sunday 3 June: Evening Praise at 7.00pm - Chris McDermott - reflections on the life of Hezekiah
Sunday 6 May: Evening Praise at 7.00pm with Mission Aviation Fellowship.
Sunday 1 April: He’s Alive! Easter Praise at 7.00pm with Rev Ian MacKenzie
Sunday 4 March: David Hart from "trypraying". - service was cancelled due to the prevailing weather conditions
Sunday 4 February: James Fraser from Release International - Matthew 10 "he who stands firm to the end will be saved"
Sunday 7 January 2018: Steve Hunter - Luke 19:1-10 Zacchaeus - sought and found
Sunday 3 December: Carol Concert with the Hamilton Salvation Army Band .
Sunday 5 November:
Speaker Rev Elspeth MacLean - Luke 23:32-43 - "Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom"
Sunday 1 October:
Harvest Thanksgiving with Rev Peter Grainger, previously of Charlotte Chapel, Edinburgh. Inspiration from the book of Ruth - Naomi / Mara / Naomi
Gifts of non-perishable food were taken to the “Loaves and Fishes” project, Glasgow.
Sunday 3 September 2017:
1 Kings 3:1-15a, "You are my God; teach me to do your will . . . and guide me" Psalm 143:10 GNB
Sunday 4 June 2017:
Speaker Paul Cary - John 20:31 "these are written that you may believe . . and have life in His name"
Sunday 7 May:
Speaker Rev Gordy Mackay with friends from Abbeyhill Baptist Church, Edinburgh including clarsach playing by Rachel Groves. Deuteronomy 31:30 - 32:47 "He is the Rock . . .a faithful God"
Sunday 2 April:
Speaker Chris Ranson - John 20:24-32 "Jesus really died, Jesus really lives, and that really matters"
Sundays@7: weekly Bible study during January - March (apart from 1st Sunday of the month) "Journeying together through John's gospel"
Thursday 30 March:
"Resurrection Rock" with Auchengray Primary School followed by the "Real Easter Egg" hunt
Sunday 5 March:
Speaker James Fraser from Release International - Psalm 31 "Be strong, and let your heart take courage, all you who wait for the Lord"
Sunday 5 February:
Speaker - Stephen Allison - Joshua 24 "we will serve the Lord"
Sunday 8 January 2017:
Speaker - Stephen Hunter - Acts 9:1-22 "new beginnings"
Saturday 24 December 2016:
Carols by Candlelight in Auchengray Church at 7.00pm.
Sunday 18 December:
Carols round the Christmas Tree at Tarbrax at 7.00pm.
Wednesday 14 December:
We hosted a "Bubblegum'n'Fluff" programme for Auchengray Primary School.
Sunday 11 December:
Carols round the Christmas Tree at Woolfords at 7.00pm
Sunday 4 December:
Advent Carol Service in Auchengray Church with the Hamilton Salvation Army Band at 7.00pm.
Tuesday 29 November:
Our first Christmas event was "Favourite Carols" with the Tarbrax Tuesday Group.
Sunday 6 November: Reflections on "Remember", with Communion.
" . . . they remembered that God was their Rock" - Psalm 78:35
Sunday 2 October: We held our Harvest thanksgiving looking at "God is our Rock - our Provider" referring to Exodus 17:1-7 and 1 Corinthians 10:1-4 with guest speaker Robert Todd of Blacketyside Farm, Leven.
Sunday 4 September 2016: We considered "God is our Rock - our Foundation" from Isaiah 44 and Colossians 1:15-23.
Next Service - 3 March, Preparing for Easter
Past Services
Sunday 4 February at 7.00pm: Evening praise, marking 10 years since Auchengray Church Centre Trust took ownership of Auchengray Church Centre.
Sunday 7 January at 7.00pm: New Year Praise
Sunday 3 December at 7.00pm: First Sunday in Advent, Christmas Carols and mince pies!
Sunday 5 November at 7.00pm: Expressing our solidarity with and praying for those caught up in conflict and other disasters.
Sunday 1 October at 7.00pm - Harvest Thanksgiving
Sunday 17 September at 7.00pm - Community Church Review with Communion
Sunday 3 September at 7.00pm - Evening Praise
Sunday 20 August at 7.00pm - New School term dedication
Sunday 6 August at 7.00pm - Fellowship Gathering
Sunday 1 July at 7.00pm - Fellowship Gathering
Sunday 4 June at 7.00pm - Evening Praise
Sunday 7 May at 7.00pm - Evening Praise
Sunday 2 April at 7.00pm - Palm Sunday
Sunday 5 March at 7.00pm - Evening Praise
Sunday 5 February at 7.00pm - Evening Praise Praise
Sunday 8 January 2023 at 7.00pm - New Year Praise
24 December at 7.00pm: Carols by Candle light
Sunday 4 December at 7.00pm: The ADVENTure starts here
Sunday 6 November at 7.00pm: Remembrance and Reflection
Sunday 2 October at 7.00pm: Harvest Thanksgiving Service
Sunday 4 September at 7.00pm: Evening Praise - Welcome Back!
Sunday 21 August at 4.00pm - God's Golden Rules - All Age Service
Sunday 7 August at 7.00pm: Fellowship Gathering
Sunday 3 July at 7.00pm: Fellowship Gathering
Sunday 5 June at 7.00pm: Pentecost Praise
Sunday 1 May at 7.00pm: Evening Praise
Sunday 3 April at 7.00pm: Easter Praise
Sunday 6 March at 7.00pm: Evening Praise
Sunday 6 February at 7.00pm: Evening Praise
Sunday 9 January 2022 at 7.00pm: This spinning world
Sunday 5 December at 6.30pm: Community Carols and Nativity
Sunday 7 November at 7.00pm: Light a Candle in the Darkness.
Sunday 3 October at 7.00pm: Harvest Thanksgiving Service.
Sunday 5 September: Evening Praise
Sunday 22 August 2021: Sunny days and rainy days - Jesus the same, always!
A Family Service to mark the start of the new school year with guests Valerie Sim (SU Scotland) and Calum Keys (2cytrust)
On 17 March 2020 the premises closed temporarily due to covid19
Sunday 1 March 2020: John 17 - "Jesus' prayer"
Sunday 2 February: Acts 27 and 28 - "the road marked out for me"
Sunday 5 January 2020: 2 Corinthians 5:14-21 - "Reconciliation"
Sunday 6 December: Community Carol Service in Auchengray Primary School with Hamilton Salvation Army Band
Sunday 3 November: Johnny Fisher, Health Communication Resources - "Responding to troubled times"
Sunday 6 October: Matthew 9:35-38 - Harvest Thanksgiving
Sunday 1 September: Luke 15:11-32 - Welcome Back!
Sunday 2 June: Evening Praise at 7.00pm – Chris McDermott, Psalm 92:12-15
Sunday 5 May: Evening Praise at 7.00pm – Jen Robertson, Scottish Bible Society, from "Dear Theo" - Luke 15
Sunday 31 March: Evening Praise at 7.00pm – preparing for Easter. Please note there is no service on 7 April.
Sunday 3 March at 7.00pm James Fraser - Release International - Daniel 6
Sunday 3 February at 7.00pm: David Hill spoke about what is happening across Scotland with trypraying
Sunday 6 January 2019 at 7.00pm - Steve Hunter - Esther 4 "for such a time as this"
Sunday 2 December at 7.00pm: Community Carols with the Hamilton Salvation Army Band
Sunday 4 November at 7.00pm: Rev Elizabeth Clelland, Chaplain of Braehead House - “the search for peace”
Sunday 7 October at 7.00pm: Harvest Thanksgiving at 7.00pm. Gifts of non-perishable food were taken to the “Loaves and Fishes” project.
Sunday 2 September: Evening Praise at 7.00pm based on SU Back to School with God material.
Sunday 3 June: Evening Praise at 7.00pm - Chris McDermott - reflections on the life of Hezekiah
Sunday 6 May: Evening Praise at 7.00pm with Mission Aviation Fellowship.
Sunday 1 April: He’s Alive! Easter Praise at 7.00pm with Rev Ian MacKenzie
Sunday 4 March: David Hart from "trypraying". - service was cancelled due to the prevailing weather conditions
Sunday 4 February: James Fraser from Release International - Matthew 10 "he who stands firm to the end will be saved"
Sunday 7 January 2018: Steve Hunter - Luke 19:1-10 Zacchaeus - sought and found
Sunday 3 December: Carol Concert with the Hamilton Salvation Army Band .
Sunday 5 November:
Speaker Rev Elspeth MacLean - Luke 23:32-43 - "Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom"
Sunday 1 October:
Harvest Thanksgiving with Rev Peter Grainger, previously of Charlotte Chapel, Edinburgh. Inspiration from the book of Ruth - Naomi / Mara / Naomi
Gifts of non-perishable food were taken to the “Loaves and Fishes” project, Glasgow.
Sunday 3 September 2017:
1 Kings 3:1-15a, "You are my God; teach me to do your will . . . and guide me" Psalm 143:10 GNB
Sunday 4 June 2017:
Speaker Paul Cary - John 20:31 "these are written that you may believe . . and have life in His name"
Sunday 7 May:
Speaker Rev Gordy Mackay with friends from Abbeyhill Baptist Church, Edinburgh including clarsach playing by Rachel Groves. Deuteronomy 31:30 - 32:47 "He is the Rock . . .a faithful God"
Sunday 2 April:
Speaker Chris Ranson - John 20:24-32 "Jesus really died, Jesus really lives, and that really matters"
Sundays@7: weekly Bible study during January - March (apart from 1st Sunday of the month) "Journeying together through John's gospel"
Thursday 30 March:
"Resurrection Rock" with Auchengray Primary School followed by the "Real Easter Egg" hunt
Sunday 5 March:
Speaker James Fraser from Release International - Psalm 31 "Be strong, and let your heart take courage, all you who wait for the Lord"
Sunday 5 February:
Speaker - Stephen Allison - Joshua 24 "we will serve the Lord"
Sunday 8 January 2017:
Speaker - Stephen Hunter - Acts 9:1-22 "new beginnings"
Saturday 24 December 2016:
Carols by Candlelight in Auchengray Church at 7.00pm.
Sunday 18 December:
Carols round the Christmas Tree at Tarbrax at 7.00pm.
Wednesday 14 December:
We hosted a "Bubblegum'n'Fluff" programme for Auchengray Primary School.
Sunday 11 December:
Carols round the Christmas Tree at Woolfords at 7.00pm
Sunday 4 December:
Advent Carol Service in Auchengray Church with the Hamilton Salvation Army Band at 7.00pm.
Tuesday 29 November:
Our first Christmas event was "Favourite Carols" with the Tarbrax Tuesday Group.
Sunday 6 November: Reflections on "Remember", with Communion.
" . . . they remembered that God was their Rock" - Psalm 78:35
Sunday 2 October: We held our Harvest thanksgiving looking at "God is our Rock - our Provider" referring to Exodus 17:1-7 and 1 Corinthians 10:1-4 with guest speaker Robert Todd of Blacketyside Farm, Leven.
Sunday 4 September 2016: We considered "God is our Rock - our Foundation" from Isaiah 44 and Colossians 1:15-23.